Try an experiment - stroll through the city one day, just… listening to music. The playlist can be anything you like - from your favorite tracks or, conversely, from tracks of the most unusual genre for you. It's just you, the music and the new city. Well isn't that great?
Our adventures
What to do in a new city? Where to go, who to talk to and what to look for to inspire you and immerse yourself into the joy of travelling? We have the answers – see our personalised travel guide with tips on where, why and how!

DREAM Hostel philosophy

We know this is not easy - but try for at least a few hours set aside your smartphone. Don't be distracted by your social networks, do not read your messengers and for goodness sake do not check your emails. Look. Listen. Feel it.

Google and Wikipedia are great helpers. But not in slow travel. You don’t need to use them to find the most important spots, the oldest and the highest. Let the city guide you - just relax and follow it.

Do not be afraid and do not hesitate to speak with the locals. Imagine yourself in their place - they will be happy to tell the city guest all the best about it! Follow their tips and tricks.

We all know, the main things in life aren’t things. It’s the same on the trip - the most important things are not the facts, but the emotions. Get the most out of your trip!